Since I dont like people accusing other people of something they didn’t do, I thought it was time to share a bit of my experiences with
What to do with the skill queue an hour out of Light Drones V, no one on Teamspeak and all the chores done? Well, why not try that gambling site?
Starting point: 50 million ISK; made about 300 million that first day – what a rush!
The next day I was sitting around waiting for a fleet to form to head out into Catch – took forever for people to show up. Eh, what the hell – let’s a gamble a bit! But all my luck from the day before was gone – lost my 300 million and then some. Oh cruel fate… Promo codes? Let’s try that!
My first week ended with about 600 million in winnings, losing all of it every single day, making profit the next. Good god, who would program such an evil website!
Over the next two weeks I lost it all, won 5x that much, and then lost it all again – it’s an up and down game. Until I discovered the slot machines.
At first I wasn’t that impressed – colorful icons going *dingding*. Not very addicting. Until I hit the lucky 7 four times in a row. How much would it take for that 5th 7 to show up I wondered. Jackpot was at roughly 1.8 billion – quite some ISK… 350 million and a lot of nerves later I won it. What a nice surprise!
I spent a few days enjoying my new “wealth”, buying some ships, fitting them with all the toys I always wanted – but all the time thinking “Jackpot’s at 1.8 billion again – and I’ve always wanted a bling Machariel… And a POS!”… And so I went back to the slots. It wasn’t that easy this time around, and it took a whole lot of money. When I won the jackpot on the same machine again, I had made around 50 million. How disappointing. So I clicked a machine with a bigger jackpot – the Binary Soldiers held 3.6 billion ISK. Clicked it, spun it – and won. I was in ISK heaven. Even more so when the Stellar Lottery awarded my alt with which I had hardly played at all with another 3.4 billion! From rags to riches – or so I thought.
Progressing from the normal machines to the high roller ones, I made another 20 billion profit; after only 3 weeks of gambling my wallet showed a balance of 39 billion – just imagine the amount of time one would need to spend mining for that kind of money…
And then I inevitably got greedy. Thinking that my luck would never run out, it finally did. The dream of winning a 164 billion jackpot cost me 75% of my money, and then I made the biggest mistake one can make when playing slots: Trying to win back my losses. That cost me everything I had won – over 35 billion down the drain.
I’m down to 2.8 billion these days – but with hangars full of nice ships and a library of skillbooks for the next few months, all paid for by that website.
I can understand people being pissed at games of chance – it’s just not fair when you sit at your computer, paying billions over hours and hours for winning a jackpot, and then some guy wins it with 1 spin. And it’s not fair to buy 60% of a raffle, and then some other guy wins it with just a single ticket. There will always be that one guy who seems to win it all, while you drown in misery.
I was that one guy for three amazing weeks – perhaps it’s your turn now (but not until the Stellar hits tonight - I got tickets!) : )
No, didn’t pay me to write that story, and they certainly didn’t ask for it. It’s my way of saying thank you for nerve wrecking, amazing and very fun 3 weeks. I even donated $5 – beer’s on me.
Fly safe guys – and don’t accuse people of rigging, shilling, etc. – it’s all just chance ^^
Shan Sint