
Free 5 Million ISK Promo

5 Million ISK

So basically what these are is I will give you a challenge/riddle/question and if you solve it then you will get access to the promo code! All answers are in lower case and can contain up to 2 words. They will never be more than 2 words (excluding spaces) and will never be high case. All the promos released this way will also become public knowledge 1 week after they have been released.

The only rule here is you are not to publicly publish the answer/promo code to the challenge/riddle/question.

Here is the riddle for today!
"What is always coming but never arrives?"


Minimum of Level 5

You need a PDF reader to be able to open the document


Free 5 Million ISK Promo

5 Million ISK

So today we are starting the first of many (hopefully) intelligent promo codes. So basically what these are is I will give you a challenge/riddle/question and if you solve it then you will get access to the promo code! All answers are in lower case and can contain 2 words. They will never be more than 2 words (excluding spaces) and will never be high case. All the promos released this way will also become public knowledge 1 week after they have been released. The only rule here is you are not to publicly publish the answer to the challenge/riddle/question.

So here is the riddle for today!
"What gets broken without being held?"


Minimum of Level 5

You need a PDF reader to be able to open the document


1000 Downloads & Sneak Previews

Well I must say this is my privilege to be able to say that more than 1000 gamblers have downloaded the IWantISK android application.

I had hoped for this awesome goal however you are never really sure until it happens!

In celebration of this momentous occasion we will be giving you all a promotional code as well as some sneak previews into what we are planning on doing to keep you entertained and enthralled in the amazing universe of EVE Online and in real life as well!

Let me just make a disclaimer than all you see here is not guaranteed to come into existence, it is however planned but we all know that plans can change. So please take all this in with a grain of salt however don't let that pop your bubble of enthusiasm!

Firstly we have a competition which will entail the players doing a sort of hunting of an object/person to be able to cash in on some great prizes!

Secondly we have another competition that involves players using there imagination in real life to come up with something unique/hilarious to win massive prizes!

Lastly we are planning on introducing a feature into the android app to be able to receive the messages that are sent to the IWantISK in-game mailing list. However these messages will have a significant delay compared to the in-game mailing list so it would still be advisable to use the in-game one. For those of you who have some deep seated hatred of in-game mailing lists though you would have this option available to you :)

We hope you all are looking forward to these great and fun developments coming to IWantISK!
 Just be sure to remember when gambling that failure is the fog through which we glimpse victory!


Android Application Statistics (Feb 2015)

Well its been sometime since I last published any stats on the android application so I decided to do a small bit today.

Basically these stats are taken from when the app was released till now, also remember this will not distinguish between multi-device users vs single device users.

All the data from these stats is taken directly from Google.



So many of you may have noticed that production is coming along nicely with The GRID game which is currently on preview on IWantISK.

We all hope you are as exited to play this as we all are!