
ISK Iron Bank - Twitch Titan Giveaway Weekend

The weekend past saw Iron Bank and IWantISK giving away over 100 Billion ISK in prizes to lucky twitch users!

As stated in Iron Banks eve-mail:
Put your Exotic Dancers down....

Twitch giveaway starting 18:00


YOU CAN TAKE THE TITAN (4 week delivery) or 100 BIL ISK...


Join the twitch feed....

Out of game : http://www.twitch.tv/1ronbank

Enter the raffles by typing !Ticket 1 in twitch

Remember you need 3 points per raffle played.
2 Points is awarded to you every 5 Minutes when the stream is online.
2 Points when the stream is offline every 20 mins.

Unlimited point raffles at the Middle & End of the stream.

Thanks for choosing us!
Isk Iron Bank

If you would like to watch the streams to see what all the hype was about then they are available here:





ISK Iron Bank - Twitch Feed Goes Over 1000 Viewers!

So tonight ISK Iron Banks twitch feed hit over 1000 viewers and in celebration we are releasing a huge promo for you all!!

Do not forget that he hosts regular twitch games and will always be offering AMAZING prizes!

Prizes sponsored by IWantISK.com

PROMO CODE: 70mxfdrd4dd

minimum level: 15


Free 18 Million ISK Promo

So basically what these are is I will give you a challenge/riddle/question and if you solve it then you will get access to the promo code! This is a puzzle promo, the objective is to solve the puzzle and then you will be able to read the promo code. All the promos released this way will also become public knowledge 1 week after they have been released.

The only rule here is you are not to publicly publish the answer/promo code to the challenge/riddle/question.

Here is the challenge for today!

Minimum of Level 7


Submission: Shan Sint

Since I dont like people accusing other people of something they didn’t do, I thought it was time to share a bit of my experiences with iwantisk.com:

What to do with the skill queue an hour out of Light Drones V, no one on Teamspeak and all the chores done? Well, why not try that gambling site?

Starting point: 50 million ISK; made about 300 million that first day – what a rush!

The next day I was sitting around waiting for a fleet to form to head out into Catch – took forever for people to show up. Eh, what the hell – let’s a gamble a bit! But all my luck from the day before was gone – lost my 300 million and then some. Oh cruel fate… Promo codes? Let’s try that!

My first week ended with about 600 million in winnings, losing all of it every single day, making profit the next. Good god, who would program such an evil website!

Over the next two weeks I lost it all, won 5x that much, and then lost it all again – it’s an up and down game. Until I discovered the slot machines.

At first I wasn’t that impressed – colorful icons going *dingding*. Not very addicting. Until I hit the lucky 7 four times in a row. How much would it take for that 5th 7 to show up I wondered. Jackpot was at roughly 1.8 billion – quite some ISK… 350 million and a lot of nerves later I won it. What a nice surprise!

I spent a few days enjoying my new “wealth”, buying some ships, fitting them with all the toys I always wanted – but all the time thinking “Jackpot’s at 1.8 billion again – and I’ve always wanted a bling Machariel… And a POS!”… And so I went back to the slots. It wasn’t that easy this time around, and it took a whole lot of money. When I won the jackpot on the same machine again, I had made around 50 million. How disappointing. So I clicked a machine with a bigger jackpot – the Binary Soldiers held 3.6 billion ISK. Clicked it, spun it – and won. I was in ISK heaven. Even more so when the Stellar Lottery awarded my alt with which I had hardly played at all with another 3.4 billion! From rags to riches – or so I thought.
Progressing from the normal machines to the high roller ones, I made another 20 billion profit; after only 3 weeks of gambling my wallet showed a balance of 39 billion – just imagine the amount of time one would need to spend mining for that kind of money…

And then I inevitably got greedy. Thinking that my luck would never run out, it finally did. The dream of winning a 164 billion jackpot cost me 75% of my money, and then I made the biggest mistake one can make when playing slots: Trying to win back my losses. That cost me everything I had won – over 35 billion down the drain.
I’m down to 2.8 billion these days – but with hangars full of nice ships and a library of skillbooks for the next few months, all paid for by that website.

I can understand people being pissed at games of chance – it’s just not fair when you sit at your computer, paying billions over hours and hours for winning a jackpot, and then some guy wins it with 1 spin. And it’s not fair to buy 60% of a raffle, and then some other guy wins it with just a single ticket. There will always be that one guy who seems to win it all, while you drown in misery.

I was that one guy for three amazing weeks – perhaps it’s your turn now (but not until the Stellar hits tonight - I got tickets!)  : )

No, Iwantisk.com didn’t pay me to write that story, and they certainly didn’t ask for it. It’s my way of saying thank you for nerve wrecking, amazing and very fun 3 weeks. I even donated $5 – beer’s on me.

Fly safe guys – and don’t accuse people of rigging, shilling, etc. – it’s all just chance ^^

Shan Sint


*LIVE* IWantIsk, ISK Iron Bank & EN24 - Nyx + 5x 10bil Giveaway - 09/04/2015 - @23:00

CAPTAINS...The ministry of special snowflakes has brought me some urgent news. It is imperative that you attend a briefing @ 23:00 on stardate 09/04/2015 for an unmissable event!


5 x 10 Billion Isk
1 x Nyx

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Join the twitch feed....

Enter the raffles by typing !Ticket 1 in twitch ☺☺♥♥

Remember you need 3 points per raffle played.
2 Points is awarded to you every 5 Minutes when the stream is online.
2 Points when the stream is offline every 20 mins.

Unlimited point raffles at the Middle & End of the stream.

Thanks for choosing us!
Isk Iron Bank


Easter Special 60 Million ISK Promo

Well in celebration of this wonderfuly long holiday we are giving you this code without any 'game, challenge, riddle' to complete.

However I would like to share with you one of my favorite Easter jokes:
What do you get if you pour boiling hot water down a rabbit hole?
Hot cross bunnies! :)

I hope you all enjoy this free ISK and turn it into your fortune!


minimum level 12


Rabbit Run


Pilots we have a new event that needs your attention!

The Rabbit Run! This game is your one way ticket to winning great prizes!
All you need is a keen sense of how to locate someone in EVE, a fast ship and maybe a friend or two.

The following will happen on the 3rd of April, the pilot who is designated as the 'rabbit' will have his/her name typed inside of this post at 18:00 (6pm) EVE time. You the hunters will then have 1 hour to track and kill (both ship and pod) of the rabbit.

The rabbit will be located in HighSec and will only ever move from stargate to stargate.

Upon destruction of the rabbit and capsule the pilot who gets the final shot on the killmail for each kill (ship & pod) will be awarded 1 PLEX.

How you destroy the ship and capsule is the hunters choice.

Happy Hunting!
Proudly sponsored by IWantISK

RABBITS NAME: Bianca Stark

For those of you who would like a short educational (funny) video on the event please see below:


PLEX Sharing Competition Winner

Greetings Fellow Pilots

Today I have the honour and joy of presenting to you the winner of the IWantISK PLEX sharing competition that was held on Facebook!

To those of you that do not know, our glorious leader Eep takes it upon himself to sometimes provide you with competitions on the IWantISK Facebook page. These competitions while rare can award very satisfying rewards.

As in this case the winner is awarded 5 PLEX for simply sharing a post.

Now for the breath taking moment.......

The winner of the IWantISK PLEX sharing competition is:

Aaron Rubin

Please contact the IWantISK Facebook page to claim your winnings


Free 12 Million ISK Promo

So basically what these are is I will give you a challenge/riddle/question and if you solve it then you will get access to the promo code! This is a puzzle promo, the objective is to solve the puzzle and then you will be able to read the promo code. All the promos released this way will also become public knowledge 1 week after they have been released.

The only rule here is you are not to publicly publish the answer/promo code to the challenge/riddle/question.

Here is the challenge for today!

Minimum of Level 5


Special 50 Million ISK Fanfest Promo

A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it.
Bob Hope

So its coming to that time of the year again, where we all (or most of us) hop on airplanes and fly to Iceland to attend EVE Fanfest!

Remember you can watch the EVE Fanfest using Twitch

In recognition of what is sure to be the most influential and controversial fanfest to date, IWantISK is giving you a 50 Million ISK promotional code.

However as with all good things, we ask you simply do a bit of work for it!

I would remind you that this code is not to be shared/typed/spoken about until it is released publicly in 1 weeks time



Minimum of level 10 required


Free 5 Million ISK Promo

So basically what these are is I will give you a challenge/riddle/question and if you solve it then you will get access to the promo code! This is a challenge promo, the objective is to answer the password on the document using the answer to the question asked. All the promos released this way will also become public knowledge 1 week after they have been released.

The only rule here is you are not to publicly publish the answer/promo code to the challenge/riddle/question.

Here is the challenge for today!

Minimum of Level 5


Free 18 Million ISK Promo

So basically what these are is I will give you a challenge/riddle/question and if you solve it then you will get access to the promo code! This is a picture promo, the objective is to find the promo inside of the picture. All the promos released this way will also become public knowledge 1 week after they have been released.

The only rule here is you are not to publicly publish the answer/promo code to the challenge/riddle/question.

Here is the picture for today!

Minimum of Level 7 


Android App - Mailing List Update

Hello Gamblers its Dante Karusaka here once again to bring you an update to the android application for I Want ISK.

You will notice that there will be an update for the app today and when you open it you will see two new additions to the menu, the first is the Reddit option which links into the IWantISK sub-reddit. The second option is the Mailing List, which will once a day update with the latest messages from the in-game mailing list.

I hope that this will help you to never miss those amazing X Games and promotional codes!

Fly Safely & Gamble Dangerously..... it may be the other way around


Free 18 Million ISK Promo

So basically what these are is I will give you a challenge/riddle/question and if you solve it then you will get access to the promo code! This is a picture promo, the objective is to find the promo inside of the picture. All the promos released this way will also become public knowledge 1 week after they have been released.

The only rule here is you are not to publicly publish the answer/promo code to the challenge/riddle/question.

Here is the picture for today!

Minimum of Level 7 

promo picture
Click on the image to enlarge


Free 15 Million ISK Promo

So basically what these are is I will give you a challenge/riddle/question and if you solve it then you will get access to the promo code! All answers are in lower case and can contain up to 2 words. They will never be more than 2 words (excluding spaces) and will never be high case. All the promos released this way will also become public knowledge 1 week after they have been released.

The only rule here is you are not to publicly publish the answer/promo code to the challenge/riddle/question.

Here is the challenge for today!
"The animals are obese, large, round & comically disproportionate to what they normally are in the WILD! What is the name of the franchise?"


Minimum of Level 7

You need a PDF reader to be able to open the document


Sponsor Your Favored Game


So you may be wondering what I am on about with that title when I am really only giving you two choices, but who here would not like to be playing Poker with his corp mates on a slow day in EVE, or perhaps spinning the Roulette table while bragging about there amazing wins on the IWantISK channel in-game?

So what we have here are two amazing games that are simply waiting for funding to kick off and create great memories and exiting times for everyone!

  • Help maintain server operational costs
  • Speed up production of future games
  • Appear in the marquee of recent donators under stellar pool.
  • Appear in the list below as a supporter of IwantISK.com
  • Plus, wouldn't you buy the coders a beer at a bar? ;)
  • Sponsoring does NOT give you any advantage on the site.
  • Sponsoring does NOT give you more ISK in any way.
  • Sponsoring amounts calculated in USD ($)

Pick your game and see it come to life:




Free 5 Million ISK Promo

5 Million ISK

So basically what these are is I will give you a challenge/riddle/question and if you solve it then you will get access to the promo code! All answers are in lower case and can contain up to 2 words. They will never be more than 2 words (excluding spaces) and will never be high case. All the promos released this way will also become public knowledge 1 week after they have been released.

The only rule here is you are not to publicly publish the answer/promo code to the challenge/riddle/question.

Here is the riddle for today!
"What is always coming but never arrives?"


Minimum of Level 5

You need a PDF reader to be able to open the document


Free 5 Million ISK Promo

5 Million ISK

So today we are starting the first of many (hopefully) intelligent promo codes. So basically what these are is I will give you a challenge/riddle/question and if you solve it then you will get access to the promo code! All answers are in lower case and can contain 2 words. They will never be more than 2 words (excluding spaces) and will never be high case. All the promos released this way will also become public knowledge 1 week after they have been released. The only rule here is you are not to publicly publish the answer to the challenge/riddle/question.

So here is the riddle for today!
"What gets broken without being held?"


Minimum of Level 5

You need a PDF reader to be able to open the document


1000 Downloads & Sneak Previews

Well I must say this is my privilege to be able to say that more than 1000 gamblers have downloaded the IWantISK android application.

I had hoped for this awesome goal however you are never really sure until it happens!

In celebration of this momentous occasion we will be giving you all a promotional code as well as some sneak previews into what we are planning on doing to keep you entertained and enthralled in the amazing universe of EVE Online and in real life as well!

Let me just make a disclaimer than all you see here is not guaranteed to come into existence, it is however planned but we all know that plans can change. So please take all this in with a grain of salt however don't let that pop your bubble of enthusiasm!

Firstly we have a competition which will entail the players doing a sort of hunting of an object/person to be able to cash in on some great prizes!

Secondly we have another competition that involves players using there imagination in real life to come up with something unique/hilarious to win massive prizes!

Lastly we are planning on introducing a feature into the android app to be able to receive the messages that are sent to the IWantISK in-game mailing list. However these messages will have a significant delay compared to the in-game mailing list so it would still be advisable to use the in-game one. For those of you who have some deep seated hatred of in-game mailing lists though you would have this option available to you :)

We hope you all are looking forward to these great and fun developments coming to IWantISK!
 Just be sure to remember when gambling that failure is the fog through which we glimpse victory!


Android Application Statistics (Feb 2015)

Well its been sometime since I last published any stats on the android application so I decided to do a small bit today.

Basically these stats are taken from when the app was released till now, also remember this will not distinguish between multi-device users vs single device users.

All the data from these stats is taken directly from Google.



So many of you may have noticed that production is coming along nicely with The GRID game which is currently on preview on IWantISK.

We all hope you are as exited to play this as we all are!